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Red Shoes, Red Hat

We gave our summer study weekend this affectionate name on account of all the talk in the group about putting on your singing shoes when you stand up to perform. Being brave, learning to fly, to sing from the heart, give it all you have got.

Put on those singing shoes... or maybe a rather wonderful red hat. That would do, for sure.

This week, Virtually Vocalise singers have been excitedly putting last minute preparations together for a wonderful long weekend - singing - by the sea. 


We’ve booked a lovely house on the Dorset coast, with a beautiful sea view, via Airbnb. We’re cooking too. We’ve planned a wonderful wellbeing menu, and the grocery delivery is booked. There will be wine, prosecco, and a good time is to be had by all. VV member, soprano Sue Lewey excitedly updated the group (note the avatar) with her travel preparations ... good to see she has her packing priorities straight!


There will be study too, of course. Songs, songs and...

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Technique Tuesday Quotables

A new feature for Technique Tuesday, giving a little bit of insight into how students learn to grapple with learning about and perfecting their vocal technique.

This week's 'quotable' is simply stunning; it's the sort of thing that teachers dream about.

In VV (Virtually Vocalise) we had been talking about technically tricky things - the relationship between the tongue, the jaw and the larynx. Easy to dive off down 'rabbit holes' with too much information. Here's how the conversation went: 

It brought JOY to my heart; I fairly floated off my seat! Teaching singers how to become vocally free has to be my number ONE goal as a vocal coach. 

Golden. Wonderful stuff; rinse and repeat.

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Technique Tuesday: Alexander Technique Directions

Technique Tuesday: ‘F’acts

In 2018, I led singers who belong to Virtually Vocalise on a light-hearted journey through the alphabet, relating each letter to an aspect of vocal technique. When I originally put the A-Z together in 2013 it was more of a personal teaching challenge, a bit of a brain-teaser, a test of my knowledge and wit. Here, I talked about letter ‘F’....


This new infographic shares a beautiful synergy with last week’s blog post, ‘E’xpiration and before that ‘D’iaphragm - and I can divulge that its accompanying teaching video (for VV members) will provide a harmonious segue into what’s coming NEXT week as we consider letter ‘G’. Hold that thought.

Right now, for letter ‘F’ we, as singers, are thinking about freeing the neck. And by releasing the jaw, lengthening the spine etc., we are also considering some of the principles...

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Technique Tuesday: Vocal Folds

For singers and speakers alike, the vocal folds are quite amazing. And an essential piece of our kit. 

We are each born with a perfect set, and over a lifetime, we put them through a lot. We expect them to do their thing for us over and over and over - when we are tired, hungry, dehydrated, sad, angry, exhilarated, in fact, any number or combination of situations and experiences, we seldom stop to consider how we may be abusing our little vocal folds.

The vocal folds, also known commonly as vocal cords or voice reeds, are composed of twin infoldings of mucous membrane stretched horizontally, from back to front, across the larynx. They vibrate, modulating the flow of air being expelled from the lungs during phonation.

I can’t imagine being robbed of my voice. As I age I am appreciating even more how important it is to stop and understand complete vocal care. I teach students about the 5 Essential Vocal Exercises or fundamental knowledge that any...

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In The Spotlight ... Don't dilly-dally on the way!

We know don’t we, that life has the habit of getting in the way and very often one of the things that can get squeezed out,  is adequate opportunity to follow our passion.

Here, of course, I'm referring to singing.

Life's stresses and strains take their toll. Everyday timetables don't always allow us those moments or the mental space we crave to think about singing and perhaps do a little bit of vocal exercise to keep our instrument ticking over.

I've written blog posts about years gone by and the frustrations I suffered because of domestic duties and the family timetable that seem to allow no time for my own singing.

Can you relate? I certainly can.

It's a very understandable dilemma, actually.  All the focus is on learning the song, being able to deliver the tune, to know the accompaniment well, coming in at the right time singing all the phrases with not too many extra breaths and obviously give some expression and reach out to the audience - communicate. Of...

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Technique Tuesday : Yodelling

By ‘yodel’, singers, I don’t mean ‘a form of singing which involves repeated and rapid changes of pitch between the low-pitch chest register (or “chest voice”) and the high-pitch head register or falsetto.’

No no. This is different. Yet there are similarities …

The infographic alludes to those moments when you’re singing, everything is going smoothly until suddenly your voice does something weird. A ‘yodel’ or a ‘blip’ - a fluctuation in pitch/sound. It can feel embarrassing.

(A good analogy would be: when you’re driving - perhaps negotiating a speed change or a tricky corner - and you don’t quite change gear smoothly enough and the gearbox complains.)

Often when learning a craft or skill, (at any stage of development) there are moments when new muscle memories wrestle with the old, and the result can often mean a spot of spontaneous ‘yodelling’ happens.


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The best reasons to listen to your own voice and SING.

inspiration motivation May 17, 2019

One of the best reasons I sing is that it keeps me sane. Quite literally. Singing has been and continues to be both my linchpin and my salvation. It may have been challenging to maintain the learning regime at tumultuous times, but I always have returned to music - to singing - to restore balance.


Reason #1: It’s a question of balance

Singing restores my equilibrium. It lifts me up in unseen ways and gives permission to engage with my inner self. It helps me express and communicate, share thoughts and even commemorate. In 2001 I gave a concert to celebrate the life of my youngest daughter Alice, who had died earlier that year at just 7 years old. We recorded the performance live; to this day I consider it to be one of the most healing actions I have ever taken. All I wanted to share and vocally express that night is on the CD recording, and it is still so very, very consoling. Like a time capsule, it takes me right back. I gave a similar remembrance performance...

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Glorious Dartington Hall: the perfect place to 'Sing Joyfully' October 2019


Sing Joyfully October 2019

Are you a singer, in search of effective vocal learning, and authentic leadership within a fully supportive learning environment? I invite you to join me for this enriching mini-retreat weekend event, in the wonderful setting of Dartington Hall, South Devon, UK.

The title, ‘Sing Joyfully!’ sets the theme - evoking the idea of having fun in good company, and small group ensemble singing.

The weekend is geared towards vocal learning for all; new singers are encouraged to apply, regardless of experience as there is always so much to learn by just simply diving in, allowing yourself to be guided by those who have had more singing opportunities and experiences. 

4 workshop sessions initial ideas will include:

  • Issues of vocal technique and basic warm-ups. 
  • Vocal blending and part-song singing via simple repertoire.
  • Singing and stage-direction, moving around the stage.
  • Costume and the singer.

For more...

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