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Mid-week special: What can singing do for your well-being?

I've been doing some research into well-being as part of expanding the work we share to support our singing within my mentoring group, Virtually Vocalise. 

(Well-being is always a factor we include in our Voice-works Study Weekends too. NB - Spring event update - bookings are being made, don't leave it too late before securing your place if you've set your heart on attending.

Last week I shared a wonderful mid-week quote with members of The Voice School Hub that embraces the idea of spiritual well-being and how we must follow our JOY!
But this new research (not a new path for me) has more to do with other, perhaps more tangible ways that music and singing, in particular, can benefit our actual health and overall sense of well-being.
Q: In how many of these benefits can you see the singing connection - I'd really value the feedback 
  • relieves stress
  • stimulates the immune...
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Technique Tuesday Revised: Breathing - no need to push!

I first shared this infographic in May 2017 - inspired by a quote from The Voice Gym that I had seen on Twitter. Its message has to be one of the most golden statements when it comes to learning how to sing well.

But, what does it mean?


When we think about breathing, everyone is usually very stressed about it as they get into their singing. It becomes a primary concern ie, will I have enough to get me through that phrase?

Will it last…?

There’s the fear that since breath is always escaping, it needs to be controlled by

  • a) getting masses of it IN, and then
  • b) to hold on to it, to control it for as long as possible, to nail that 4-bar phrase/that high note/the last note…

If we imagine gaining greater volume when we sing, there’s a psychological trigger that suggests to us that we must push more air to make it happen. But a greater volume achieved by pushing more air simply puts more stress on those little vocal folds (only 3-6 cells thick...

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Technique Tuesday: Vocal Folds

For singers and speakers alike, the vocal folds are quite amazing. And an essential piece of our kit. 

We are each born with a perfect set, and over a lifetime, we put them through a lot. We expect them to do their thing for us over and over and over - when we are tired, hungry, dehydrated, sad, angry, exhilarated, in fact, any number or combination of situations and experiences, we seldom stop to consider how we may be abusing our little vocal folds.

The vocal folds, also known commonly as vocal cords or voice reeds, are composed of twin infoldings of mucous membrane stretched horizontally, from back to front, across the larynx. They vibrate, modulating the flow of air being expelled from the lungs during phonation.

I can’t imagine being robbed of my voice. As I age I am appreciating even more how important it is to stop and understand complete vocal care. I teach students about the 5 Essential Vocal Exercises or fundamental knowledge that any...

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