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Mid-week special: What can singing do for your well-being?

I've been doing some research into well-being as part of expanding the work we share to support our singing within my mentoring group, Virtually Vocalise. 

(Well-being is always a factor we include in our Voice-works Study Weekends too. NB - Spring event update - bookings are being made, don't leave it too late before securing your place if you've set your heart on attending.

Last week I shared a wonderful mid-week quote with members of The Voice School Hub that embraces the idea of spiritual well-being and how we must follow our JOY!
But this new research (not a new path for me) has more to do with other, perhaps more tangible ways that music and singing, in particular, can benefit our actual health and overall sense of well-being.
Q: In how many of these benefits can you see the singing connection - I'd really value the feedback 
  • relieves stress
  • stimulates the immune...
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Singers: Health as a priority.

I recently discovered this post lurking in my Tumblr drafts. Written back in September 2016, the similarities of how I felt back then and where I find myself this week, with a headache, cold and a tickly cough, I decided the time is right for it to finally find its way out into the world... Let's begin.
Sept 24, 2016:
As a voice professional, I usually recognise the signs and know optimum health is a priority.

So, when during this past week I’d been suffering from fatigue, and a dull headache was making me slow, not for one minute did think something was brewing. Fine summer months and long sunny days had dispelled any notion of colds and coughs.  It didn’t dawn on me that my health and immune system were being challenged until I woke with that tell-tale scratchy feeling at the back of my throat. You see, I had totally missed those early signs.

Summer has been deliciously busy. Much of August was taken up with preparations for my daughter’s...

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