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Are you a solo singer? How do you know?

I know that you love to sing, because you're reading this post.

You may belong (or have done in the past) to choirs and small ensemble singing groups. Perhaps you even get the opportunity to sing solo for concerts occasionally. But, I also know that there are times when you feel like the experience could be better. You know that all this singing should be paying off, but strangely it's not.

Let's explore the difference between choral, ensemble, and solo singing... (I'm playing devil's advocate here... indulge me!)

Choral singing is the art of singing in a large-ish group. It can be a very rewarding experience, as it allows singers to come together en masse and create some of the world's most beautiful music. Choral singers must learn to blend their voices together and bend to the will and artistic direction of the conductor.

Ensemble singing is similar to choral singing, but it usually involves a smaller group of singers. Ensemble singers...

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Teaching: freedom to inspire.

“Teaching is more than imparting knowledge, it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts, it is acquiring understanding.”

William Arthur Ward

When it arrives, this kind of synergy brings an exciting dynamic to the relationship between student and mentor. If present, the two elements generously combine to create an unwritten contract of possibility. 

Where the mentor provides a thought-provoking, boundary-busting structure to learning practices, so the student is encouraged to open themselves up to new ideas and patterns of work. 


There is co-operative freedom to inspire. Magical when you experience it.

Dartington Hall, near Totnes in South Devon, provides the perfect vibe for such exchanges to happen and with my next residential weekend in March just visible on the horizon, those of us who have already signed up to be there are beginning to feel the buzz of excitement. 

For solo singers, the Love Your Voice weekend...

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