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CODA: final singing notes

Postlude thoughts, given by the singers.

We’ve all just had a week of back-to-normal life routine after our wonderfully indulgent long-weekend ‘Shake Down 2020′, where we did nothing but sing, discuss, cook, eat, relax, listen and work for 4 days. It was idyllic - such good times, full of music, vocal vibration and lots of laughter.

Washing-up too.
It’s hard to leave, but when time is up, it’s up. Time to pack our things and catch up with the world, get back to normal. Routine. And many earworms...

But - how did this re-entry truly feel?

We’ve been checking in on each other during this past week, noticing and sharing.
In summary:
Fabulous things we loved: people, food, the singing, the learning, the discussion, the peace and the incredulity of the exclusion of the outer world. How welcome that is. Amazement at how little the outside world intrudes while we are on a study weekend. Wonderful singing and food..really...
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