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CODA: final singing notes

Postlude thoughts, given by the singers.

We’ve all just had a week of back-to-normal life routine after our wonderfully indulgent long-weekend ‘Shake Down 2020′, where we did nothing but sing, discuss, cook, eat, relax, listen and work for 4 days. It was idyllic - such good times, full of music, vocal vibration and lots of laughter.

Washing-up too.
It’s hard to leave, but when time is up, it’s up. Time to pack our things and catch up with the world, get back to normal. Routine. And many earworms...

But - how did this re-entry truly feel?

We’ve been checking in on each other during this past week, noticing and sharing.
In summary:
Fabulous things we loved: people, food, the singing, the learning, the discussion, the peace and the incredulity of the exclusion of the outer world. How welcome that is. Amazement at how little the outside world intrudes while we are on a study weekend. Wonderful singing and food..really missing the food, and a real family feeling (as you hope it might be). Love the feeling of working together.
An organic experience we enjoyed: Everyone comes to the weekend bringing something in terms of knowledge and emerging vocal skills; which in turn feed the system and create a wonderful ‘well-being’ synergy of experience. The heart of the group ecosystem is the people, with a willingness to share and absorb. The warmth of attention given to each other in both food choice and group discussion: Generosity. Not being bound by timetables and strict routine inspires ‘Balance’. Ensuing organic ‘closeness’ created slight scary excitement...
Inspiration to take away: to knit the shared group experience into everyday life more deeply. For example, balancing energy for well-being, balancing diet, work-life balance. Bringing different aspects of life together leading to a more wholly present day-to-day existence. Applying tweaks to ‘Life’, just as we do with the singing learning journey within Virtually Vocalise. Inspiration is supported by the growing group-togetherness.
Re-entry to life: hijacked by normal routine, it’s a challenge to maintain the experienced feeling of well-being through singing. Realistically balancing energy with learning needs/wants. Juggling a full-time job and/or other pursuits. Checking in with levels of tiredness with honesty after work and making adjustments to life/music integration and demands.
Tip: allocate time for easy relaxation - for one of us that meant bathing in a softly candle-lit bathroom, easy cooking, reading Sci-fi, falling asleep listening to music with a #2020Goals tag on it.
Alert: integrating others into this shared experience may be difficult. BUT, as CEO I contend that if so, they are not the right people. (Or perhaps, the experience is so good, we don’t want to share!!) Yes - there will be likeminded souls out there... It’s our job to attract them. To invite and share the JOY.
Suggestions for an improved Shake Down experience: less phone-in-evidence perhaps, unless using it to check something out, enhance the learning experience, etc. Finding time to connect with nature, get some exercise, go for a lovely walk.
General note: Laughter is brilliant for our health.
Shake Down 2020: collective thoughts.

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