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Voice worries: is your voice cracking up? Are nodules a concern?

Take care of your voice

I hope you took a look at the video - it's short, but packed with information.

Our unique voice is a valuable asset. It's like a personal brand that sets us apart from others. We should always embrace and cherish it because it's a reflection of our identity. And, we only have one, and it's worth protecting.

I well remember a defining moment in my career about 12 years ago where for the first time I felt unsure of what my voice was doing. It was mid-concert, and I was singing Mozart's Laudate Dominum. It wasn't exactly an out-of-body experience, but I felt like I was not vocally in control - my voice, normally so reliable, clear and sure, wavered for a moment. It's true I was stressed, and a bit pressured by life at that time - and my voice, for the first time faltered. I've never forgotten that moment since. Not nodules, but a sign that my voice was under stress and that I needed to take care.

Imagine those little vocal...

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Technique Tuesday: Vocal Folds

For singers and speakers alike, the vocal folds are quite amazing. And an essential piece of our kit. 

We are each born with a perfect set, and over a lifetime, we put them through a lot. We expect them to do their thing for us over and over and over - when we are tired, hungry, dehydrated, sad, angry, exhilarated, in fact, any number or combination of situations and experiences, we seldom stop to consider how we may be abusing our little vocal folds.

The vocal folds, also known commonly as vocal cords or voice reeds, are composed of twin infoldings of mucous membrane stretched horizontally, from back to front, across the larynx. They vibrate, modulating the flow of air being expelled from the lungs during phonation.

I can’t imagine being robbed of my voice. As I age I am appreciating even more how important it is to stop and understand complete vocal care. I teach students about the 5 Essential Vocal Exercises or fundamental knowledge that any...

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