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Voice worries: is your voice cracking up? Are nodules a concern?

Take care of your voice

I hope you took a look at the video - it's short, but packed with information.

Our unique voice is a valuable asset. It's like a personal brand that sets us apart from others. We should always embrace and cherish it because it's a reflection of our identity. And, we only have one, and it's worth protecting.

I well remember a defining moment in my career about 12 years ago where for the first time I felt unsure of what my voice was doing. It was mid-concert, and I was singing Mozart's Laudate Dominum. It wasn't exactly an out-of-body experience, but I felt like I was not vocally in control - my voice, normally so reliable, clear and sure, wavered for a moment. It's true I was stressed, and a bit pressured by life at that time - and my voice, for the first time faltered. I've never forgotten that moment since. Not nodules, but a sign that my voice was under stress and that I needed to take care.

Imagine those little vocal...

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