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Classical Singers: Learn more about Posture, Breath and Support

The more I teach, the more my own understanding as a singer grows.

A brilliant bonus from teaching something well is that you get to repeatedly learn the details and deep dive alongside your students and re-examine processes. Learning by doing. It's an excellent by-product - a wonderfully harmonious, serendipitous result.

Learning how to sing well, and with confidence is not a journey you can embark upon with impatience. It IS going to take time, especially if (as I am) you're invested in the longevity of the voice you already have.

Remember that the JOY is IN the journey, every step of the way, exploring the twists and turns - joining the dots as you go if you like.

What's in the video above... Posture, breath and support: go with the flow

The skill of singing well lies in patience, in practising little and often and with focus - and with great guidance or mentoring. A further secret also lies in appreciating what the body naturally wants and is equipped to do and by not...

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Technique Tuesday: Alexander Technique Directions

Technique Tuesday: ‘F’acts

In 2018, I led singers who belong to Virtually Vocalise on a light-hearted journey through the alphabet, relating each letter to an aspect of vocal technique. When I originally put the A-Z together in 2013 it was more of a personal teaching challenge, a bit of a brain-teaser, a test of my knowledge and wit. Here, I talked about letter ‘F’....


This new infographic shares a beautiful synergy with last week’s blog post, ‘E’xpiration and before that ‘D’iaphragm - and I can divulge that its accompanying teaching video (for VV members) will provide a harmonious segue into what’s coming NEXT week as we consider letter ‘G’. Hold that thought.

Right now, for letter ‘F’ we, as singers, are thinking about freeing the neck. And by releasing the jaw, lengthening the spine etc., we are also considering some of the principles...

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