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Technique Tuesday : Yodelling

By ‘yodel’, singers, I don’t mean ‘a form of singing which involves repeated and rapid changes of pitch between the low-pitch chest register (or “chest voice”) and the high-pitch head register or falsetto.’

No no. This is different. Yet there are similarities …

The infographic alludes to those moments when you’re singing, everything is going smoothly until suddenly your voice does something weird. A ‘yodel’ or a ‘blip’ - a fluctuation in pitch/sound. It can feel embarrassing.

(A good analogy would be: when you’re driving - perhaps negotiating a speed change or a tricky corner - and you don’t quite change gear smoothly enough and the gearbox complains.)

Often when learning a craft or skill, (at any stage of development) there are moments when new muscle memories wrestle with the old, and the result can often mean a spot of spontaneous ‘yodelling’ happens.


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