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Breathing & airflow for classical singers: learning the facts

Shall we explore the fundamentals of breath and airflow in greater detail? 

Proper airflow is a crucial element in achieving vocal excellence. However, to fully comprehend its significance and make advancements, it must be examined alongside the other 5Essentials of vocal technique.

Singers often think they need to control their breath by taking in large amounts of air and holding on it for as long as possible to nail a 4-bar phrase, a high note, or the final note. However, the truth is more complex than one might expect.

It usually comes down to knowing and understanding my suggested 5 basic principles. But here we are focusing on just one of those five… Airflow, not airb-l-o-w.

So, how do you feel about the following statement? 

Onset: is yours breathy, glottal or balanced? Breathy = airflow occurs before glottis closes. Glottal = glottis closure completes before airflow begins. Balanced = co-ordinated action...

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