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How do you learn classical singing?

The Voice School
How do you learn classical singing?

Where do you start, learning how to sing classically?

You've got to want to do it - be excited and curious enough to get on board.

The vocal journey has a very human beginning and it is good to remember that. At the heart of all we do as singers, is the joy of making music and the release of self-expression. Sharing with others is vital to the learning experience, because it provides a solid base for exchange, observation and mutual support.

Also, there is no quick fix - no singing teacher worth their salt has a magic wand.  You - the singer in you - has to be bitten by the I-want-to-sing-classical-song bug for the duration and be lit up by it over and over again.

I remember years ago, watching a television advert, where an old lady taps a police officer on the shoulder in the street and asks,

“How do I get to Carnegie Hall?”
The officer answers with a wry smile, “Lady, you gotta practice!”

And he was right. Like anything else, you...

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Finding your Classical Singing Voice

Finding your Singing Voice

We’ll get to the singing element of this post in just a moment, but first I ask you to bear with me. It’s breathing new life into an old post. I see the words on the screen and I’m often timid in making a start,  driven mostly by an irrational doubt in my ability to write a compelling argument that will make a difference to YOU, the person who has stopped by to read what I have to say, and who maybe feels the same way about their SINGING as I do about writing. Stay with me here …. let’s do this together!


Can you empathise? 

I mean, if I have doubts about whether I have what it takes to pull a convincing article,  you may be fighting the same demons about finding your voice - about singing. But the good news for both of us is that you’re HERE, reading this article because of your singing desires, so let’s put it in context


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