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In The Spotlight ... Don't dilly-dally on the way!

We know don’t we, that life has the habit of getting in the way and very often one of the things that can get squeezed out,  is adequate opportunity to follow our passion.

Here, of course, I'm referring to singing.

Life's stresses and strains take their toll. Everyday timetables don't always allow us those moments or the mental space we crave to think about singing and perhaps do a little bit of vocal exercise to keep our instrument ticking over.

I've written blog posts about years gone by and the frustrations I suffered because of domestic duties and the family timetable that seem to allow no time for my own singing.

Can you relate? I certainly can.

It's a very understandable dilemma, actually.  All the focus is on learning the song, being able to deliver the tune, to know the accompaniment well, coming in at the right time singing all the phrases with not too many extra breaths and obviously give some expression and reach out to the audience - communicate. Of course, lots of people do you sing well like that and get a lot of enjoyment out of everything they do with their singing voice.  However, there are singers who are curious to know how to overcome some of their basic vocal technique problems.

Like any other skill you need to learn a set of tools that you can use to fix things and in order to get those tools into your toolbox, you have to practice vocal technique. 

To hear more about the few basic measures you can take with a handful of vocal warm-up exercises, to maintain a steady level of vocal progress, listen to this week's In In The Spotlight podcast, and here's the secret: don't dilly-dally. 

Sneak peek: If you are interested in a quick and informative 10/15-minute vocal essentials warm-up that you can dip in and of when you’re up against the clock or when you just want a quick vocal prime, be sure to open next week's Friday at Five.

Watch this space!



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